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the transformation blog

Paradigm shift

Paradigm Shifts

August 02, 20232 min read

“Life's true wonders unfold when we dare to shift our minds and embrace the transformative dance of paradigm change." - Itayi Garande

Paradigm: what’s that? Sounds like a computer game. A paradigm is a widely accepted belief or concept that many believe to be true and/or an individual believes to be true. An example of a paradigm would be the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

A paradigm shift is a dramatic shift in the way we think or view something. Paradigm shifts occur all the time as we transform and change throughout life. From believing the “Boogeyman” lives under our beds as children to believing the world around is full of so-called “Boogeymen “ as adults.

As we experience and learn from life, we make many paradigm shifts. They start out as what we call “A-ha” moments. I’ve seen it many times with my students in the past. The flashbulb goes off in their head, and you can see it so vividly on their faces: a dramatic change in their thinking and believing.

In our transformational life, we have “A-ha” moments where we go from “I can never do that” to “I did it and I’m doing it!” Paradigm shifts may be so dramatic that it changes our belief and/or values system. An example might be that we think we will only be good at one job and then realize that there are multiple jobs/careers we can have by just reaching out and exploring. We see the world not as it is but as we think it is.

Life after a break-up, divorce, or death can make us feel like we will always be sad. But then others come into our lives and show us the paradigm shift of new happiness.

Paradigm shifts are all around us. We need to look for and embrace the “A-has” that we experience. They will help us make the positive changes we need in our lives. I challenge you to seek one “A-ha” each day. Explore and embrace it in your ever-changing life. Let me know what you find.

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This is a testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection and the main point of the testimonial.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et duo vero viris omnesque, te nam debet mucius iisque. Vidisse abhorreant id his, iudico laudem eos eu. Vi vendo electram iudicabit qui id, no ius veniam graecis, eu nulla splendide vix. Ment.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.

This is a testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection and the main point of the testimonial.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et duo vero viris omnesque, te nam debet mucius iisque. Vidisse abhorreant id his, iudico laudem eos eu. Vi vendo electram iudicabit qui id, no ius veniam graecis, eu nulla splendide vix. Ment.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.



This is a testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection and the main point of the testimonial.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et duo vero viris omnesque, te nam debet mucius iisque. Vidisse abhorreant id his, iudico laudem eos eu. Vi vendo electram iudicabit qui id, no ius veniam graecis, eu nulla splendide vix. Ment.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.

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