
Finding New Direction & Communities For Your Life


Finding New Direction & Communities For Your Life

Get your virtual passport

Get your virtual passport

We gather around food and culture...

But the emphasis is the UNITY in community!

Are you frustrated with the current direction your life is taking?

Are you stuck in a “rut’ that you’re not sure how to get out of?

Do you have a desire to do something new and different in your life?

Are you at a crossroads in your life and need to pursue a new passion?

I can help!

I can help you find and follow your new direction, get out of that rut, pursue that desire, and embrace your new passion!

I’m Susan Alston-Richardson

I’m a Life Purpose Coach and Transformation Life Coach.

I’ve travelled the road of transformation and change many times in my life. As a retired dietitian, teacher, retreat center owner and facilitator, Life Purpose Coach and Transformation Life Coach I have stumbled, educated and reeducated myself, maintained a 50 pound weight loss, and discovered new and better ways to transform and change my life. I use these tools to help you discover and navigate your transformation journey.

You can rise from the ashes and soar to new heights!

Susan alston-richardson

I love that Our World of Food CommUNITY pushes me to try new things!

I was the first person to join Our World of Food Community when Susan opened the doors. I was sold when she told me about the concept. The people are amazing and I love learning about other countries. I love that it pushes me to try new foods and be adventurous. Susan puts her heart & soul into it.

Heather Rosson

Transformational Coaching Services

Enlighten and teach you about transformation

Enliven you to

be open to possibilities

Empower you with the tools you need

Encourage you

to success

To preview all programs and ways in which I can help you just message me with your thoughts and ideas.

Copyright © 2023 SusansSource | Susan Alston-Richardson

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