Susan Says...

the transformation blog


Picture Your Purpose

August 21, 20232 min read

Many of us have heard the saying, “You were put on this earth for a purpose.” If this is true, how do we know what our purpose is? Where does this purpose come from? How do we use our purpose to help ourselves and, in turn help, others. BIG questions!

Finding the answers to these questions is not always easy. We don’t win our purpose like the lottery or a trophy or ribbon. It isn’t a gift for our birthday or other special occasion. It isn’t hiding under a rock or in a treasure chest.

I believe our purpose comes to us from God. He gives it freely to us. The catch is we have to dive deep into ourselves to discover, explore, enhance and utilize it. It isn’t a whim that floats to us on a breeze. It requires a journey of discovery.

There are many ways and programs that you can tap into to help, you discover your purpose. There are books written to help you understand the process and find your specific purpose. One good book to start with is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It takes the reader through life purpose, self-discovery and your place in the world.

Our purpose is a gift to us.  Once we discover our gift and embrace it we need to turn around and give that gift to others, because gifts aren’t just received but more importantly given. You know the saying, “It is better to give than to receive.”  It’s true. We are so much more fulfilled when we give something to others and we see how important that gift is to them.

So my gift to you today is a free exercise called Picture Your Purpose that is on my products page on my website. It can help you get a visual look at what gives you purpose in your life. You can also create a manifesto of what your purpose could mean in words. As the exercise tells you, a manifesto is a declaration of your life, your beliefs, values, goals and motivational sayings. Use the template on my website to create your own. Then post it as a reminder of the path you are on.

If you find this exercise helpful, you might want to keep your eye out for my book that will be coming out this fall: Becoming the Phoenix: The ABC’s of Transformation. It guides you on the path to discovering and embracing your purpose and passions and how to navigate your journey of transformation and change. More to come…

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This is a testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection and the main point of the testimonial.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et duo vero viris omnesque, te nam debet mucius iisque. Vidisse abhorreant id his, iudico laudem eos eu. Vi vendo electram iudicabit qui id, no ius veniam graecis, eu nulla splendide vix. Ment.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.

This is a testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection and the main point of the testimonial.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et duo vero viris omnesque, te nam debet mucius iisque. Vidisse abhorreant id his, iudico laudem eos eu. Vi vendo electram iudicabit qui id, no ius veniam graecis, eu nulla splendide vix. Ment.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.



This is a testimonial that specifically overcomes a common objection and the main point of the testimonial.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et duo vero viris omnesque, te nam debet mucius iisque. Vidisse abhorreant id his, iudico laudem eos eu. Vi vendo electram iudicabit qui id, no ius veniam graecis, eu nulla splendide vix. Ment.

Jane Awesome, Acme, Co.

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